Before you proceed to book your appointment please read the following:
If you have been referred for a chest x-ray you do not need an appointment and can "walk in" during our normal opening hours.
This service is just for standard X-ray services. Any Ultrasound, CT, or MRI will be managed by the appropriate team and you will be notified once booked.
If you have been referred for one of the following: Scoliogram; Skull; TMJ; Sinus; Nasal Bones; Facial Bones; Orbits; Ribs; or a Dental/OPG x-ray please contact us by telephone to arrange your appointment:
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm
Depending on the examination, you may be asked to change into a hospital gown prior to your examination.
Whilst every endeavour will be made to see you at your appointment time, please be aware we run an inpatient, A&E, and Minor Injuries service alongside our GP service so there may be a short delay depending on workload when you arrive.
Following the examination, the report from the X-rays will be sent directly to your doctor. This will usually be within 10 days.
Please contact your doctor if you have not received your results after this time.